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Our Why

PYA technology initiative was designed to transform kids from being passive consumers of technology, to creators and innovators. Our goal is to generate interest and sustained participation in

STEAM disciplines through experiential learning.


Our Mission

Our goal is to equip our kids with the kind of tech literacy that will prepare them to participate in the digital revolution that's currently taking place. Our programs are built around STEAM based learning with a focus on creativity, solution based thinking, teamwork and independent research. Our youth are introduced to the latest technologies that will power the 21st century such as; Web 3.0, Fintech, AR, VR, and AI.



Culture. Access. Commitment.

Pipelines Youth Academy invests its time, resources and passion into creating generational change for the kids and families in our communities through a variety of learning experiences. We create a culture of solution based thinking, provide access to the tools needed, and foster commitment to self growth.


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© 2024 Powered by Pipelines Go.

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